ACHS Briefly Noted


NCFL Grand National Competition
The following students will be competing at the NCFL Grand National Tournament over Memorial Day weekend; Molly Adams, Joaquin Barba, Donald Carson, Meghan Georgia, 

Riley Hughes, Elijah Ruano, Alyssa Wittkamp.

Recognition of Excellence Assembly a Success
The annual Recognition of Excellence Assembly took place virtually on April 29. This presentation honored students for a variety of honors/accolades. Congratulations to everyone who participated.

Choir & Orchestra Students Honored
Nicholas Taylor was honored by the District 7 Honors’s Choir. ILMEA District 7 Honors awarded Abigail Felde for Orchestra. Sharon McAllister recieved ILMEA District VII honors and All-State Orchestra for being a top eight horn players in the state.

Students Invited to Strike a Prose
Molly Adams and Alyssa Wittkamp were invited to compete at the NSDA National Qualifier in the supplemental Prose Event.

Speech Team Qualifies for NSDA
The Speech Team competed at the Northern IL District Tournament and qualified for the NSDA National Tournament in June. By qualifying to this tournament they are considered to be in the top 3 percent of the nation. Congratulations to Joaquin Barba, Meghan Georgia, Riley Hughes, and Elijah Ruano.