ACHS Gets a Makeover


As I write this, the calendar turns to August, and it’s hard to believe that the summer is nearly over. We’re eagerly preparing for our ACHS Class of 2028 to start school on August 19th, with all other classes starting the following day, August 20th. We can’t wait to welcome you all back for an exciting new school year. 

This summer, we’ve made significant facility improvements at ACHS that we’re thrilled to share with you. The highlight is our newly expanded cafeteria, a space that’s more than just a place to eat. It’s a versatile area designed for performances, meetings, award ceremonies, and more. This central hub will be the heart of our community, hosting a variety of events and activities.

Moreover, we’ve upgraded four of our bathrooms to give them a modern look, in line with our commitment to providing a comfortable and welcoming environment. We’re also excited to share that the floor in the auxiliary gym has been replaced, enhancing the experience for students in physical education and extracurricular activities. The installation of new rooftop units is another significant improvement, ensuring a more comfortable learning environment for everyone.

This year, one of my favorite events in the school year, Homecoming Week, is scheduled for the week of September 15th. The revered and tradition-filled ACHS Homecoming Parade and Bonfire starts down Main Street on Thursday, the 19th of September. The football game follows on the 20th against Lakes Community High School, and festivities will end with the Homecoming Dance on September 21st. 

This year, we will see year two of a program designed to make the experience of our new ninth graders memorable as they walk through the doors of ACHS for the first time as students. Our Link Crew (Sequoit To Sequoit) utilizes upper-class students to serve as mentors and valuable resources for our newest Sequoits. We are excited to witness the freshmen build a connection to their “home away from home” for the next four years.

As we embark on this new school year, we hope ACHS students cherish the lessons learned beyond the classroom: the friendships that embody true togetherness, the challenges that push them to exceed their limits, and the moments of pure joy that highlight the beauty of a simple smile.

We look forward to seeing you at the many memorable events throughout the year at ACHS.

Once a Sequoit, always a Sequoit,

Mike Berrie
Antioch Community High School