Farewells & Memories


As we approach the end of another school year, it’s a time for farewells and reflection on the memories we’ve shared. It’s also a moment to celebrate the achievements and successes that have marked this journey that we share.

To the remarkable Class of 2024, we extend my heartfelt gratitude and congratulations. Over the past four years, you have shown unparalleled dedication, resilience, and spirit that have enriched our school community in countless ways. You began high school in a most unconventional way, behind a computer screen. Your continued commitment to excellence has been evident in the classroom, on the stage, and in the athletic arenas. Just this past Sunday, the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony spoke of the hundreds of hours our students spent giving back to the community through volunteering.

This past spring, the members of the ACHS community were able to bear witness to the incredible talent that our students possess with our rendition of the musical “Legally Blonde”. I sat in awe as all involved in the production provided a testament to the amazing results that can be seen when members function as a true team. This weekend was but one example of the many times in which the students of ACHS made me smile. 

And so, Class of 2024, as you embark on the next chapter of your life, we do not doubt that you will continue to shine brightly and positively impact the world around you. Remember that the lessons learned, friendships forged, and memories created during your time here will always be cherished. For as many have said, “Once A Sequoit, Always A Sequoit”.

To the incoming Class of 2028. We look forward to meeting you in the fall when you enter the halls of ACHS for the first time as students. ACHS allows you to expand your horizons and find your spot in this world. You enter as ninth graders but leave with a greater understanding of who you are and what role you will play in your world and community. 

Enjoy the well-deserved summer break.

Once a Sequoit, always a Sequoit,
Mike Berrie
Antioch Community High School