W.C. Petty Offers Clubs, Clubs and More Clubs!

W.C. Petty’s Student Council

W.C. Petty students love to have fun during and after school! With the help of adult sponsors, we currently are able to provide Diversity Club, Intramural Soccer, Intramural Yoga, Ukulele Club, Announcements Club, and Student Council.

W.C. Petty Morning Show

With the leadership of Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Jordan, our Diversity Club works together to explore student interests and understand how we can coexist in the world. The club began with the exploration of student similarities. Soon they will complete projects and create opportunities to learn about themselves and others. Petty Bobcats are proud of who they are and where they come from. Our Diversity Club also enjoys getting to know others!

Petty’s Intramural Soccer program serves fourth and fifth graders. They work on passing and shooting skills. They are also learning the different positions of a soccer team. Our soccer team splits their time in half. During the first half, they practice their skills and the second half is reserved for a game. Intramural Yoga has also been a blast. Last week a yoga instructor from Antioch’s Trillium Yoga studio came out to do a class with the students. They are learning poses while exercising. Our yoga intramural students are gaining strength and flexibility. Props to Ms. Bender and Mr. Bieniek for making intramurals a success.

One of our newest clubs is the Ukulele Club and it has been running since September! Mrs. Schaibly shares her skills with the students in various ways. Last year the students enjoyed bucket drumming. This year, students have learned the basics of how to play the ukulele. They have learned the name of strings and strumming patterns for songs. In early November, the Ukulele Club proudly performed at the 5th grade music concert. It was awesome to see the musical growth of the students since September.

Another popular extracurricular activity at W.C. Petty is our W.C. Petty Morning Show. This club has 19 fifth graders involved in it and is run by two phenomenal fifth grade teachers. Students fill out an application to be a part of our morning show. The students meet once a week to record our morning announcements. Our announcements include: the date, the Pledge of Allegiance, a Moment of Silence, birthdays, what’s for lunch, the weather, and student shout-outs from teachers. In addition, our Morning Show crew members try to inspire the rest of the students by offering motivational quotes, tips on how to follow our PBIS expectations, and new vocabulary. We are currently working with students on how to read the news fluently and using animated expressions.

Finally, our Student Council does so much for W.C. Petty. They help, encourage, and celebrate students and staff. Mrs. Jasinski and Miss Rieb focus on developing leadership skills for the 4th and 5th grade students. Student Council makes connections with and supports organizations in our community. So far this school year, they have organized a school-wide collection for the Antioch Traveling Closet, put together a school-wide Boo Gram event where students and staff can send a message to anyone in our school along with a sweet treat to be delivered on Halloween, helped make posters for the Boosters’ Boo Bash, and organized a Red Ribbon week spirit week and door decorating contest to encourage students and staff to be drug free and celebrate life. Students create flyers, video announcements, and poster communications to share with students, staff, and families to advertise the events that they put together. Students often work in sub-committees and make decisions collaboratively about ideas they have shared, how they want to create something to be shared with our school and discuss solutions.