All Four LVD41 Schools Achieve Lighthouse Status!


Hooper, Martin, Thompson, and Palombi Schools each have been certified as a Leader in Me Lighthouse School by FranklinCovey Education. This recognition is evidence that the school has produced outstanding results in school and student outcomes, and because of the extraordinary impact the school is having on staff, students, parents, and the greater community.

Leader in Me is an evidence-based program designed to build resilience and leadership in students, create a high-trust culture, and help improve academic achievement. With Leader in Me, students learn to become self-aware and interdependent, take initiative, plan, set and track goals, prioritize their time, be considerate of others, communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, find creative solutions, live a balanced life, and contribute to society.

Certification is earned by schools that demonstrate the following: 

  • Students are able to think critically about and apply leadership principles.
  • The school community is able to hear leadership through a common language, and feel leadership through a culture of caring, relationships, and affirmation. 
  • Leadership is shared with students through a variety of leadership roles. 
  • Schoolwide, classroom, family, and community leadership events provide authentic environments to celebrate leadership, build culture, and allow students to practice leadership skills.
  • The school identifies and tracks progress toward Wildly Important Goals for the school, classroom, and staff.
  • Students track progress toward goals in Leadership Notebooks and share these notebooks with adults in Student-Led Conferences.
  • Teacher planning and reflection, trusting relationships, and student learning create environments for highly engaged learning.

This remarkable milestone directly results from our dedicated efforts to examine and align each school’s culture and systems with The Leader in Me framework. We are proud to announce that District 41 is now the second district in the state to have all district schools achieve Lighthouse Status.