Jerry Johnson


Village of Antioch Trustee
In his second term (2013 to present)

  • Served as a member of the Antioch Parks Commission from 2010 to 2013.
  • Previously served as liaison for the Parks and Public Works Department. Currently, is the liaison for the Information Technology and Environmental Protection Board.
  • One of Trustee Johnson’s favorite experiences and projects was his involvement with unifying the fire and rescue services provided to all the Antioch community (annexing the Village by vote to the First Fire Protection District of Antioch).

in his own words…
“My four sisters, brother and myself grew up with all my mother’s Italian heritage and traditions. We were taught the importance of family and friends, sharing togetherness through all times, good and bad, and the joy of eating and laughter (and how that brings us all together). The smells of Sunday dinner cooking still are just amazing. My family is very important to me and I am very proud of what we share.

My family instilled in me a commitment to the community, and how we can make a difference. Serving my Antioch community feels like an extension of ‘family’ to me. I’m thankful to serve.”

It might surprise you to know… 
I produced a horror movie in 2008, “The Chauffeur,” that premiered at Gurnee Mills Marcus Theatre. It was featured in an article in the Daily Herald, and filmed throughout the county, mostly in Lake Villa.

I also once played against Brian Urlacher, Chicago Bears pro football Hall of Famer in a Pop-a-Shot basketball shooting contest. I participated in a charity basketball game with The Harlem Ambassadors and scored a basket.

I am an extremely social person who loves to meet and talk with people. I enjoy learning about people, sharing and voicing opinions and a good debate. I’m also a great listener and like to take everything in with decision-
making. I’m a graduate of Antioch High School; our 30th reunion is this year. I played football and baseball, and was a member of the Math Club.

DePaul University graduate and business owner/entrepreneur. 

Favorite Sports Teams
I am a HUGE Chicago White Sox fan and Chicago Bears fan. I’m a season ticket-holder for the Sox.

Favorite Free-time Activity
When I have free time, I like to work out, spend time outdoors, and do activities with my two dogs, Zuko (Italian Mastiff) and Zane (French Bulldog). I also like to travel.

Favorite Food
I strive to eat a low-fat, healthy diet with mostly steak, fish and chicken. My favorite “cheat day” food is pizza.

Favorite Movie
My favorite movie is JAWS. The film score (music) just gets you!

Favorite Quote/Inspirational Message
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is, you’re the pilot.”

Greatest Lesson I’ve Learned
If I fail, I want to make sure I can look myself in the mirror and blame myself. I do not want my failures to be because of someone else. And when I “fall off that horse,” I make sure I get right back on and try again.