No Wipes Down The Pipes


Antioch Public Works reminds residents, “No wipes down the pipes”

The Village of Antioch Public Works Department is making a push to remind residents that disposable wipes, paper towels, or items other than toilet paper, should not be flushed down the toilet. 

Antioch Village Administrator Jim Keim says the reminder is being issued to prevent home plumbing problems, clogs in public sewer systems that could cause sewage backups into homes, and damage to the wastewater treatment plant and the environment. 

Although items that are flushed down the toilet may escape a home’s plumbing, the sewage blockages in the larger pipes can impact services for residents across the village. Flushing the wrong items can interfere with the maintenance of the village’s sewer services. 

“We have seen a significant increase in wipes and other items at our sewage treatment plant,” said Keim. “We’re making a plea to residents to help us keep the village’s costs down by “tossing instead of flushing.” Not only is it very time-consuming to remove these items from our system, but these items also cause damage that can be very expensive to repair.”

Costs associated with the damage caused by the wrong items ending up in the village’s wastewater system are passed on directly to the residents in the village.

“When we think before we flush, not only are we potentially avoiding a mess literally and financially at home, but we’re also helping the community as a whole save money,” said Keim.

The ONLY items to be flushed are human waste and toilet paper. The Village of Antioch asks that residents do NOT flush:

Wipes of any kind……even if they are labeled as flushable

  •  Paper towels, napkins
  •  Dental floss
  •  Hair
  •  Diapers
  •  Cat litter
  •  Fats, oils, and grease
  •  Vitamins or any type of medications
  • Sanitary napkins, tampons and applicators, condoms, Band-Aids
  •  Paint, stain, solvents, sealants, and thinners

Please remember, “If you question it………… please don’t flush it! Toss it!”