It has been researched and stated that the most important element in a successful classroom is a caring, qualified, and confident teacher. In Community High School District 117 we believe that this statement is true and we invest in our teachers in many ways so they can guide our students to unbelievable accomplishments. One of these areas that we encourage our teachers to pursue is to obtain a National Board Teachers Certification.
The process to become a National Board Certified teacher is not an easy or quick one. Our candidates will work in a cohort with other teachers from the District in conjunction with Illinois State University. Through this two to three-year process, the teachers will gather standards-based evidence from their teaching and align it with the Five Core Propositions. The propositions include the following:
Teachers are committed to students and their learning
Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach these subjects to students
Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring students learning
Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience
Teachers are members of a learning community
The evidence that is needed to meet these Five Core Propositions comes in multiple forms and is demonstrated in multiple ways. Student achievement goals and data are one item that provides feedback on the teacher’s effectiveness for the certification. Teachers are also self and peer-evaluating their practice by videotaping lessons and then gathering evidence from that lesson based on the National Board Professional Teaching Standards. The final piece of evidence is the competency tests to complete the program.
This is a grueling process that our teachers choose to take part in to improve their practice as teachers. We have seen incredible results as our cohorts of teachers work through this process. They truly leave this process with the skills that are needed to be caring, competent and confident educators. We are proud of all of our teachers and especially proud of our Nationally Board Certified Teachers.
For more information on the National Board Certification visit:
David B. Newberry
Proud Principal
Lakes Community High School