It Takes a Team


As a result of the COVID-19 shut down in March, many of our Driver’s Ed students were unable to complete their behind the wheel training. This summer, LCHS welcomed 42 students to complete this training under the guidance of the CDC and the Illinois State Board of Education.

In order to get this program up and running, it took the combined efforts of many! Thanks to:

• Our Driver’s Ed teachers who spontaneously made time in their summer schedules to help these students pass this requirement: Jordan Eder, Jenni Floren, Mike Gedville, Tammy Ribbens, Mark Ring, and Julia Wieda.

• Our custodial staff for providing the essential supplies to clean the vehicles.

• Raymond Chevrolet for the quick turn around to provide safe vehicles. 

• Our district and school leadership to make this a priority for our students.

• Our professional support personnel for their assistance in scheduling and paperwork. The Driver’s Ed program is one example of how we are adjusting our procedures to improve the safety of our students and staff. In addition to a thorough cleaning before and after each use of the vehicle, we are taking many new precautions. 

• Students must wear a mask, have a temperature check, and sanitize their hands before entering vehicles, the same procedures we now use for students entering the building.

• We have reduced the number of people in each vehicle: one teacher and two students.

• We do not make any unnecessary stops.

• No food or drinks are allowed in the vehicle.

• We drive with the windows down, when possible, for improved air circulation.

• Each vehicle is sanitized between drivers.