Better Together: Be Safe. Stay Healthy.

Keep this resource card and connect with any of these organizations for needs, inquiries, resources and helpful information to guide you through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. We are all here for you.


Antioch Township: 847-395-3378
Antioch Police Department: 847-395-8585
Antioch Fire Department: 847-395-5511
Village of Antioch: 847-395-1000


Antioch Area Healthcare Accessibility Alliance (Aahaa)
Contacts:Colleen Lennon (Executive Director x25); Program Coordinator/Certified Applications Counselor (Stephanie Young x19); Network Nurse (Maureen Cull, RN, BSN 414-737-6601)
Email/Phone: / 847-395-2809 
Hours: 9am-5pm (Mon-Fri)
Address:874 Main St., Antioch, IL

AAHAA connects you to resources in our community to improve access to healthcare and provide solutions that help with medical transportation, groceries, prescriptions, essential needs, and financial hardships that may arise during this difficult time. AAHAA’s Network Nurse is available by phone for questions about Coronavirus, safety tips, general health counseling, insurance education (Medicare questions), referrals to medical providers, and emotional support. AAHAA provides application assistance for SNAP, Medicaid, and Affordable Care Act Insurance and information about eligibility for all programs. AAHAA also has cloth masks available. 

Village of Antioch & Senior Center 
Contact 1: Lawrence M. Hanson (Mayor)
Email/Phone: / 847-395-1000
Hours:9am-5pm (Mon-Fri)
Address:874 Main St. Antioch
Contact 2: Paul Howard (Director)
Email/Phone: / 847-395-0139
Hours:9am-4pm (Mon-Fri)
Address:817 Holbek Dr., Antioch, IL

The Senior Center is in operation, but the facility is closed to the public and all activities are postponed until further notice. The center has medical equipment, masks and adult pull-ups available. Call to arrange to have someone deliver to your address or items can be placed on the bench outside the facility for a no-touch pick-up. If you need assistance with grocery shopping, prescription pick-ups, or other essential needs, please call to be paired with a Senior Task Force member. If you would like to call just to talk to a friend, please do so and speak to Paul or Jennifer! 


Catholic Charities 
Contact: Kari Pohar (Senior Care Coordinator)
Email/Phone: / 847-740-6708
Hours: 10am-12pm (Tues & Thurs)
Address: 116 N. Lincoln Ave., Round Lake, IL

Catholic Charities’ Senior Dining Program has arranged meals for pick-up twice a week (Tues & Thurs) from 10am-12pm at Maravela’s (4 Washington St. Fox Lake, IL). A suggested $5.00 donation is asked but no one is denied a meal for inability or unwillingness to pay. Seniors must call ahead to reserve their meal pick-up: 847-782-4170. If anyone has any concerns for food or other needs, please call 847-782-4170 and a Catholic Charities team member will connect you with the right resource and program. 

Open Arms Mission
Contact: Marytherese Ambacher (Mission Director)
Email/Phone: / 847-395-0309
Hours: 4:30pm-6:30pm (Tues, Wed, Thurs) Currently drive through
Address: 1548 Main St. Antioch

Open Arms Mission serves Antioch, Lake Villa, and Lindenhurst communities providing food and daily living necessities while encouraging self-sufficiency for individuals and families in need. Drive through pick-up is available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 4:30-6:30pm. For needs other than food, Open Arms Mission offers counseling, outreach services, and referrals to assist with individual situations. Open Arms Mission is a 501c3 accepting donations of cash along with a current need of cleaning supplies, diapers size 5 & 6 and personal hygiene items. Call the office at 847-395-0309 to discuss your needs and how Open Arms Mission can help.

Lake Villa Township Food Pantry & General Assistance
Contacts: Daniel Venturi (Supervisor), Jennifer Fielder (Township Administrator)
Email/Phone: / 847-356-2116
Hours: 9am-12pm (Mon-Fri)
Address: 37908 N Fairfield Rd., Lake Villa, IL

The Lake Villa Food Pantry is supported by residents, churches, youth groups, schools, and community and civic organizations. The pantry serves Lake Villa Township residents and participants can receive food two times per month. Food orders are available to township residents who are burdened with other expenses that are imposing a financial hardship on their budgets. Anyone requesting help from the Lake Villa Pantry may receive food on a temporary basis until their situation improves. Call 847-356-2116 for more information to see how the Lake Villa Pantry can provide food for you and your family.


Antioch Township
Contact: Tom Shaughnessy (Supervisor)
Email/Phone: / 847-395-3378
Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm (Mon-Fri)
General Assistance Hours: 8:30-4:30pm (Mon-Fri) Merry Ladewig
Senior Services Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm Courtney Kotloski
Address:1625 N. Deep Lake Rd., Lake Villa, IL

Antioch Township is in operation, but the facility is closed to the public, and all activities are postponed until further notice. Call for general assistance; help with applications for LIHEAP, financial/housing assistance, license plate renewal, application assistance for SNAP, Medicaid, and Affordable Care Act Insurance and other programs and family services. Antioch Township has a supply of cloth masks available. Senior citizens can call to be paired up with a Senior Task Force member who can help with grocery shopping, prescription pick-ups and other essentials. If you would like to be assigned a Pen Pal, please email to be paired with a pal. If you are a senior and would like to just talk, please call Courtney Kotloski at 847-460-2791.