Antioch, Our Community that Cares


As this very unusual year nears its end, I find myself again thinking how thankful and blessed I am to live in and lead a community like the Village of Antioch, where the values of service, working all together, supporting one another, are held. Throughout the years, sharing so many experiences with all of you, watching our town grow, helping it to become a sought-after place to make a home, and where businesses open doors, I know that the Village of Antioch is a community that cares. 

That sense of caring is evident is so many ways. From the faces of gratitude of those receiving donations at our Antioch Senior Center which serves as a convenient distribution site for the Antioch Traveling Closet, a tireless non-profit which provides basic necessities to area families in need, to the Open Arms Mission, with its food pantry a fixture of our community throughout the years, to the tons of smiling faces that come to enjoy and participate in the parades and activities hosted by our Village of Antioch Parks Department. This year put a temporary halt to some of those things, but like you, I’m looking forward to their return soon.

That care is also evident in our classrooms, in the hearts and creative thinking of our educators––and also in our students––whose excitement, enthusiasm for learning, and flexibility to adapt during these unprecedented times, is amazing.

Caring also carries over to things like meetings that can last into the night, or emails from residents in my inbox, knowing that their questions or concerns help us shape the Village and look to the future and provide for the well-being of all who live and visit here.

Thank you for a wonderful year as your mayor. I’ve included a few things ahead for 2021 that I’d like to share as well. 

Wishing you a happy, safe and joyous holiday season.

Mayor Lawrence “Larry” Hanson

2021 Village Happenings

Downtown Beautification Initiative
The Village of Antioch is excited to be in the process of interviewing design consultants on a “Downtown Beautification Initiative” that will provide a plan to proceed with a number of public improvements along Main, Lake, and Toft Streets. In addition, this new beautification effort is designed to improve the hardscape, landscape, and lighting of the Toft Street and Skidmore Avenue parking lots. As part of the Village’s Downtown Business District, new investments are planned to continue with the long-term revitalization. 

Restaurant Expansion
As part of the Village’s continued downtown revitalization efforts, we are excited about the opportunity of working with a new potential restaurant expansion. Station 51 on Main Street will provide the newest chapter in the growing interest of restaurants in downtown locations. Discussions are currently ongoing with the owner of BBQ’d Productions from Third Lake and Lake Zurich on the creation of a new restaurant at the former David’s Bistro (Main Street) location. Plans look for an opening in 2021 with an innovative dining experience that celebrates the legacy of the fire-fighting community. 

Pittman Property Purchase
Another exciting project is the Village’s recent purchase of the Pittman property at the corner of Main Street and Orchard. This vacant parcel provides the Village with the opportunity to create a new vision for a critically important parcel in our downtown. Located in the Village’s Downtown Business District, this parcel provides a number of urban design and economic development opportunities. In addition, the site contains additional opportunities to create a more naturalistic stormwater solution and a long-term replacement of a damaged culvert that was installed a generation ago. The Village will soon be starting a visioning process for the future use of this parcel. Keep your eyes open for a website link/social media post highlighting this important future project.

Rivalry Alehouse Opening
In 2021, we look forward to the opening of the Rivalry Alehouse, a commercial gateway into the downtown landscape at the former Flo’s location. It will bring tastes and brews that are sure to “rival” many with German and Irish cuisine and a multi-season beer garden. This new two-story restaurant at Main and Park Streets, an important corner, will also celebrate the historical legacy of the downtown and provide a second-floor outdoor dining experience with great views.