Preparing for a Return to On-site Learning


For the past 8 months the District 41 Administration has been preparing for a transition from Remote Learning and Teaching to In-person Instruction in the classroom as we are all so accustomed. With the pandemic seemingly experiencing another spike in the curve with an increase in daily positivity rates and hospitalizations, it is imperative that all stakeholders in the district work cooperatively for a successful transition to a Hybrid model of teaching and learning.

During the summer and early fall, the administration has taken a number of steps to help ensure the safety of our students and staff when the doors are re-opened for in-person instruction again. The board has authorized the purchase of items such as PPE/face masks for the benefit of staff and students; hand sanitizer to be readily available throughout the buildings; temperature scanners for ensuring everyone is not experiencing fever symptoms upon their entry into school every day; the hiring of an additional cleaning service solely for disinfecting high traffic/contact areas throughout the school day; and the authorization to purchase up to 112 air purifiers to be utilized in various areas of need throughout all of the buildings.

These mitigation efforts as well as others are all very important steps to protect the safety of anyone entering our buildings, however we still need the full cooperation of our parents and guardians to help protect the health and safety of all of our students and staff. When In-person or Hybrid Instruction resumes, it is imperative that everyone district-wide is working together for the safety of our community. 

Please continue to diligently follow CDC and IDPH guidelines by routinely washing hands with soap for 20 seconds, wearing a face mask when in public, and abiding by physical distancing. The community as a whole should be well aware of the benefits of PPE and the importance of following protocols and the unfortunate circumstances that result when those protective efforts are not utilized. It would be extremely disappointing if we have to return to full Remote Learning once we reach the point of being able to start the Hybrid model.