Meet Lake Villa District 41’s Incoming Administrators


Dr. Sandra Keim-Bounds Superintendent

Dr. Sandra Keim-Bounds has been a member of the District 41 school community for the past twenty-five years. She is honored to be able to serve as District 41’s incoming superintendent.

Dr. Victor Wight Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning

As an educator of 26 years, including eight years in Lake Villa School District 41, Dr. Wight is ecstatic to work with the greater educational community in his new role. Vic believes our District can reach new heights with our dedicated teaching staff and leadership district-wide.

Dr. Ann Scully Director of Student Services

Dr. Ann Scully has served as an educator and administrator in Lake and Cook Counties since 2001. Her career started at the Special Education District of Lake County (SEDOL) as a speech pathologist and administrator serving students with significant disabilities ages three through 22 years of age. 

Mrs. Angela Sisi Palombi School Principal

Mrs. Angela Sisi is in her 27th year in education, and has been in administration for 22 years, eight of which were as a dean of a large high school, three were as the director of student services of that same large high school, then as a principal of a high school for four years, and a district director of language development for one of the largest high school districts in Illinois for three years.

Mrs. Melissa Rhodes Palombi School Dean of Culture and Student Discipline

Mrs. Melissa Rhodes has dedicated her career to Lake Villa Community Consolidated School District 41 as a third, sixth, and eighth-grade teacher. Melissa has 21 years of experience combined with Joseph J. Pleviak Elementary, William L. Thompson Elementary, and Palombi Middle School to bring to the Dean of Culture and Student Discipline role. 

Miss Kaitlin Koenig Palombi School Dean of Students 

Miss Koenig is beyond thrilled to continue making an impact at Palombi School as the Dean of Students. This year marks the start of her 6th year in the district, where she has been a part of, and started, a wide variety of opportunities for our students to grow into well-rounded citizens at Palombi School.