Connecting Through Relationships


We want to thank the students, staff, and families of Antioch CCSD 34 for a wonderful start to the school year. We are humbled and honored to serve and greatly appreciate your partnership, support, and assistance in making our schools great places to learn, discover, grow, and connect. 

Connecting and connection are critical components of a quality education and remain a priority in D34. Relationships are the foundation upon which everything else we do is built. Fostering genuine, deep, and authentic relationships is the key to so much of what we hope to unlock and strive for. They allow us to build trust; to get to know each other; to build empathy for our individual stories; to connect; to relate; to identify needs and meet people where they are; and to grow, achieve, and succeed. 

In this issue of Connections, D34 aims to highlight ways in which we forge, tend to, maintain, and stay intentional with respect to relationships. Theodore Sizer once said, “You cannot teach students well if you do not know them well.” At the same time, we cannot serve students or families well if we do not know them well. So, we have been and we remain committed to focusing on relationships and truly ensuring that everyone feels a connection here in D34. 

Connecting with our students, staff, families, and community is incredibly important. Relationships afford us opportunities for so much more in our interactions and service. We want to thank you for connecting with us.

Have a great school year and stay well,
Dr. Bradford Hubbard
Antioch CCSD 34