A Time of Reflection


As fall activities and sports give way to winter, it is important to provide pause and reflect on the year to this point. By many means measured, the students at ACHS shine in the spotlight. Later in this issue you can see the many accomplishments of our students and their subsequent accolades. It has been a phenomenal experience to sit in the front row and bear witness to the success of our students in the classroom, on the stage, in the stadium, or in the gymnasiums. 

At ACHS, we hope to offer experiences that extend learning beyond the four walls of the classroom. For instance, on Thursday, October 20th, the ACHS German Club went to House of Gerhard in Kenosha, WI, to celebrate Oktoberfest. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food and warm ambiance! Students got to try German specialties including Wienerschnitzel, Sauerbraten, and Rouladen, along with Spätzle and Rotkohl.

Also, on December 9, the English Department will be hosting a professional theater company to perform Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet for all students in English 1 or English 1 Honors. With many thanks to ACHS booster club, Sequoit Pride, we are able to bring in an acting troupe that specializes in Shakespeare to entertain and enlighten students on what live drama is all about.

These are but 2 examples of many in which students have the chance to ignite their passion and discovery. As we get set to flip the calendar year soon, we look forward to many more opportunities to see our students excel during their time at ACHS. 

Mike Berrie
Antioch Community High School