Sequoits Are Heating Up



his is the time of year when things really start to heat up. Winter activities and athletics are closing out successful seasons, spring sports are right around the corner, the testing season with the SAT and AP testing comes sooner than we can imagine, and we have already begun plans of what next year is going to be looking like as students have already requested courses for the fall. From here to the end of the year begins a bit of a sprint until the last day of classes and the “finish line” for this year. It is fast paced but it is fun. 

As I am writing this, I was fortunate enough to spend last Saturday at the IHSA Competitive Cheerleading State Series. When all of the performances were done in our division, all the team, friends, fans and families could do was wait. The competition was great and so we knew there was going to be a battle for the top three spots on the podium. The wait was nerve wracking and then it was time to announce the winners. When it was time to announce the winners, the MC said, “The 3rd place trophy goes to…Antioch”. One could definitely sense the relief and excitement knowing that the team was going to be on the podium for the second year in a row and for 3 out of the last 4 years. 

This story magnifies how special ACHS is. The team really had to perform all as one in order to be seen as one of the best around. The long hours spent together forged a significant bond amongst the entire team and coaching staff. They will always have the memories of their incredible accomplishment together from February 4th, 2023 to carry with them long after they have walked these halls. 

“Once a Sequoit, Always a Sequoit” 

Mike Berrie
Antioch Community High School