Lakes Students Researching with Argonne Laboratory’s ESRP Program


Five Lakes students, Seniors Jennifer McMahon and Michael Variny, Juniors Dalton Hass, Allison Heuschdmit, and Yumna Ahmed, will be working with Dr. Anirudha V. Sumant, Ph.D., a Materials Scientist at the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne Laboratories on a Superlubricity project, Wear and Friction Studies of Steel vs Steel by Using Graphene as a Lubricant, utilizing nanomaterials. This project will test the friction between steel surfaces when coated with a layer of graphene, with graphite as a comparison lubricant. 

Mrs. Stan and the group will visit Argonne Lab on November 13th to get familiar with the tools they will be using and meet Dr. Sumant and the team of scientists guiding them with the project. 

In its 9th year, the Exemplary Student Research Program (ESRP) is offered in partnership with Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne Education, and numerous beamline staff & scientists.