Once again this Fall, we will roll out the red carpet for our students as they enter the building. This is just one more thing that we can do to welcome our students in a fun and friendly way and also to reestablish the routines of a normal school year. I think we all realize the importance of routine in a young person’s life and in all of our lives. It is that consistency and routine in life that allows us to use our minds to think beyond our day to day activities.
At Lakes, these day to day activities include arriving at school before 8am and then engaging in learning activities during fifty minutes classes. Most students will have seven subject classes during the day with a 25 minute lunch and 25 minute lunch study hall. This routine of engaging students through diverse curriculum throughout the day helps them achieve our district mission of Igniting Passion and Discovery in every student. Igniting that passion in each student is not our only goal. A shared belief that we hold at Lakes is the motto that was established when Lakes opened in 2004. Our motto is Respect + Courtesy = Pride! We team up with our families to help produce young people that have the character to treat others with the respect we all deserve and the courtesy that we want to be shown. Our students demonstrate Pride in themselves, their school, their families, their community, and their country on a daily basis.
We are proud of our students for their successes in the classroom, on the athletic fields and in the community. On a daily basis, I see examples of how consistency and routine have helped our students achieve at a higher level and the positive impact they have on our community.
Proud to be an Eagle,
David B. Newberry
Proud Principal
Lakes Community High School