D34 is Going Places!


D34 is Going Places! The theme for the 2022-23 school year is D34 is Going Places. Each school will build off that theme in designing their school year. The theme of going places is appropriate especially in schools. When schools remain stagnant, schools no longer progress, learning instruction becomes complacent, and students perform below their abilities. Schools that move forward and continue to improve their practices and seek new ways to uplift students are the schools where staff and students achieve beyond what they believed was even possible. It takes just a glimpse to realize that the staff at Antioch D34 has students going places and achieving at a high level. Two specific areas include our spectacular band and orchestra programs that stretch students in areas they never thought possible and the development and growth of our Early Learning Center where we expanded our play areas to include climbing walls, a bolstered motor movement room, and an enhanced sensory room that will provide more growing opportunities for our youngest minds. In 2022-23, D34 will definitely be Going Places!

Aron Borowiak 