I hope this edition of Connections finds you and your families well this winter and holiday season.
District 34 embraces the opportunity this communication affords us in sharing our story, highlighting some of the incredible things our students and staff accomplish with one another, and celebrating our successes. Celebrations of growth, success, perseverance, and achievement are critically important. Wins both big and small mean a great deal to those involved in the accomplishment, but they also mean a great deal to our learning community. Our collective wins are cumulative and have a profound impact on our culture, climate, and future success.
We are extremely proud of our students and our staff. There is an awful lot of power in what we are able to do and achieve with, for, and on behalf of one another. The following pages, stories, and pictures are dedicated to sharing and celebrating just some of what makes our students, our staff, our schools, our district, and our community so wonderful.
As we navigate this holiday season, we hope you will join us in celebrating all the good and great that surrounds us here in District 34. We are extremely grateful for and proud of the contributions, accolades, growth, and success of our collective team and our community. Thank you for being a part of our learning community and allowing us to humbly serve and ecstatically celebrate with you.
Have a great holiday season and Happy New Year,
Dr. Bradford Hubbard
Antioch CCSD 34