You’ll Never Walk Alone


Personally and professionally, individually and collectively, we have all been significantly impacted by the persistent, unrelenting, and unforgiving pandemic. As we have all worked to navigate our own realities in a world where unpredictably, uncertainty, and the unknown seem to have become the norm, finding the good can sometimes be a challenge. Without minimizing the incredible toll this year has taken on our community, state, nation, and world, I want to simply say that I am proud of and thankful for each and every one of you.

In putting together our section for this issue of Connections, our district wanted to have a theme. It quickly became obvious that we wanted to share, celebrate, and highlight stories that embodied the gratitude we feel and the service we have witnessed. In the last too many months, we have heard about, participated in, been involved with, and played observer to countless instances of individuals in our community stepping up and in to help, lift up, and serve those around them. At the same time, we have worked to intentionally take stock in and be explicit about what we are thankful and grateful for. In turn, many have shared their stories of the gratitude they hold for and the service they appreciate of our Antioch CCSD 34 team.

This has been a year like no other. We feel deeply for those impacted by this pandemic and we are so sorry for the loss that so many have experienced. The loss of so much and so many. With that said, we have a saying around here (one we borrowed), “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” In the times that try us most, it is important that we are here for you. It is important that we are here for each other. As a school district, we exist to serve and we take particular stock in seeing all the ways others do, as well. We are in a unique position of being able to see so much good through the fog of the bad. We are grateful for the opportunity to lead, serve, teach, connect, and learn, together. Additionally, we are grateful for your partnership, trust, support, and resolve. Finally, we are thankful for you. In the face of loss, sacrifice, confusion, new norms, and significant change, you have inspired those of us around you.

Thank you to our Board, our staff, our students, our families, and this amazing community. During this holiday season, please stay well, healthy, and safe. And, know that we love you.

Dr. Bradford Hubbard
Antioch CCSD 34