Emmons Continues to Expand Opportunities for Students


During the 2019-2020 school year, the Emmons School community engaged in a year-long strategic planning process that resulted in 3 areas of focus: curriculum, character education, and program expansion. While all goals within the areas of focus are advancing, the program expansion initiative has been particularly successful. During the second half of last year, students were offered a variety of after school clubs sponsored by teachers and paraprofessionals. Students chose clubs covering a wide range of topics: drama, Legos, escape rooms, games, choir, community service, chess, cooking, and money management. The clubs went on outings, invited community members in, and held Lego build design competitions. The drama club concluded with a wonderful performance of the Wizard of Oz. These clubs are offered again this year. Students have the opportunity to participate in clubs during fall and spring sessions. This program continues to be expanded upon and allows students, staff, and parents to have a voice in which clubs are offered. 

Another way that Emmons has expanded their programming is through diversifying electives during the school day. The students now have the opportunity to learn Spanish from 2nd-8th grade. A STEM class is arranged for 2nd, 3rd, and 7th graders. The 7th grade students are learning robotics by participating in the First Lego League and will compete in a competition in December. Students start band lessons in 4th grade from the beginning of the school year, much earlier than in the past.

Emmons School continues to find ways to create more opportunities for students. Whether it is events such as middle school dances and Parent Night Out events, or bringing speakers during the school day, students experience a well rounded learning environment at Emmons.