Full Steam Ahead with Facility Improvements


Thanks to the community passing a $30.1M referendum in early Spring 2020, Lake Villa School District 41 took advantage of students learning remotely due to the pandemic and began the first phase of building improvements and renovations earlier than anticipated. With Gilbane Construction Management Company and Siemens, Inc. work has diligently continued during the months of Summer 2021. The scope for work to be completed this summer includes renovation of the student and staff bathrooms at Hooper Elementary and Palombi Middle School, renovation of teacher and students’ classrooms and working spaces, new flooring at Hooper, Martin, and Palombi Middle School, various ADA improvements, HVAC equipment replacements at Hooper and Palombi, and roof replacement at Martin Elementary. You can follow the progress on our website and social media at https://www.district41.org/Page/816. Our goal is to complete the interior renovation by mid-August so we can welcome students and staff back to school