Leader in Me: Great Happens Here


All district classrooms incorporate Leader In Me throughout language lessons and activities. Students use the 7 Habits in their daily life and continue to practice their leadership skills by participating in school announcements and making good choices. Every school is planning a Family Night and Student Leadership Day this Spring.

The Leader in Me Student Lighthouse Team at Thompson School is off and running! These 4th and 5th-grade leaders consistently demonstrate exemplary conduct, and good judgment/decision-making skills, while modeling the 7 Habits for their peers. Under the guidance, modeling, and support of Mrs. Dougherty and Mrs. Powell, these student leaders are given a voice and multiple opportunities to showcase their leadership skills. The Thompson Student Lighthouse Team focuses on modeling the 7 Habits, school environment/beautification, and service learning. 

Likewise, Martin has full-performance action teams and students working on leadership projects. Leadership is on full display daily; from the Martin News Morning Team to Library Leaders and Lunch Leaders, as well as classroom leadership positions.

At Hooper, mornings begin with a group of 5th-grade leaders greeting students as they arrive off the buses with signs and warm welcomes. Grade-level buddies lead the school’s morning announcements. Students share the weather, a joke, and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Fifth-grade Lighthouse Leaders meet weekly to plan different ways to improve the Hooper School experience.