Antioch Upper Grade School New 9th Hour Program


Antioch Upper Grade School started an after school program on January 9th to provide additional academic support to students outside the hours of the school day. Students are identified through a variety of factors including overall grades, homework completion, and assessment performance. The overall goal of the 9th Hour program is to prevent students from failing any of their courses throughout the school year and to prevent students from having to attend credit recovery in the summer. 

Students participating in 9th Hour can stay after school on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00, where certified staff provide reteaching and support with classwork and homework. The first session of 9th Hour will be 6 weeks in length. A review of eligibility will be conducted at the conclusion of the 6 weeks to determine if further support is necessary. 

The staff at Antioch Upper Grade School has access to a communication Google document to ensure that students complete all classwork, homework, and any missing or late assignments. This document is a crucial component of 9th Hour to ensure clear communication with the 9th Hour staff regarding student work completion. This is another example of how our staff works as a team with families in order to give our students the support they need.

The staff is excited to provide students with another supportive learning environment and opportunity at Antioch Upper Grade School. Antioch Upper Grade School 9th Hour programming is provided by the Illinois School Board of Education ESEA of 1965 as amended grant funds.