Hillcrest Elementary’s Student Council: Leaders in Action


At Hillcrest Elementary School, leadership and community service are not just taught—they are lived experiences. Thanks to the dedication of our 4th and 5th grade Student Council members, co-sponsored by Mrs. Leitza and Mrs. Coulter, our school community thrives on the spirit of improvement and support. Selected through a thoughtful application process, these young leaders embody the virtues of service and represent the best of Hillcrest.

Our Student Council members are more than just representatives; they are role models who embody the spirit of community. Through bi-monthly meetings, they channel their creativity and commitment into tangible projects that enhance our school and extend our reach into the local community. From promoting the Character Word of the Month to organizing spirited weeks and celebrating special occasions, their efforts foster a vibrant, inclusive environment.

But their impact doesn’t stop at the school gates. Driven by a desire to serve broader needs, they’ve successfully organized donation drives for local organizations like the Antioch Traveling Closet, Penny’s Purpose, and Open Arms Mission. Their initiative to craft toys for pets in local shelters not only provided comfort to animals, but also underscored the importance of compassion and empathy.

A highlight of their journey this year was the volunteering event at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC). In December, Student Council members, along with their families, embraced the spirit of giving by dedicating their time over winter break to help combat child starvation. Their collective effort resulted in 119 packed boxes, translating to 25,704 meals and promising a brighter future for 70 children across the globe. This experience was not only fulfilling, but also fun, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among all participants.

The reflections from our students post-volunteering reflect the profound impact of this experience. Andrew R. found joy in the act of saving lives with friends, while Lyla C. and Ellie K. relished the friendly competition and quality time spent with peers. Kenzie O. valued the time with her family as much as the help they provided, and Taryn O. took pride in directly assisting those in need.

Through initiatives like these, the Hillcrest Elementary Student Council exemplifies the power of young people to make a difference. Their actions remind us of the ripple effect of kindness and the transformative power of community service. As we celebrate their achievements, we also look forward to the continued positive impact they will undoubtedly have on both our school and the wider community.