Eagles’s Spring Sports Wrapup


Athletics – LCHS

Baseball had a record of 12-17. All-Conference team members were Will Hough, Jaden Jackson, Owen Klosinski, Derek Lucier.

Girls Softball had a record of 8-20. All-Conference team members were Cassidy Berchtold and Brooke Goyings. 

Boys Lacrosse placed 3rd in conference and advanced to the sectional finals. All-Conference team members were Reid Kuriger, Connor Swiderski, Sean Ryan, and Dylan Behnke. Behnke was also selected to the All-State Team-he is the first lacrosse player to achieve this honor in school history!

Girls Track and Field won the conference title, as well as the Richmond-Burton sectional. All-Conference team members were: Madison Perez, Becca Runyan, Madison Twarling, Claire Zutkis, Jillian Ellenwood, Thea Lungay, Josie Gates, Joycelyn Crum, Paige-Elicia Caruth, Ava Bullock, Bri Gara, Diksha Guganathan, Shelby Stall, Ava Hampton, Hannah Rojas, Inclarity Turney, and Makayla Williams. The team had 21 state qualifiers and the following girls earned all-state honors: Josie Gates, Joycelyn Crum, Makayla Williams, Diksha Guganathan, Shelby Stall, Inclarity Turney, Becca Runyan, Madison Perez, Madison Twarling, Paige-Elicia Caruth, and Bri Gara. 

Girls Soccer had a record of 11-8-1 and split the conference championship with Grayslake Central. All-Conference team members were Jodie Bristol, Elise Coleman, Amanda Dietz, Mia Pfeiffer, Mia Silber, and Tessa Smith.

Boys Tennis had a record of 4-7. All-Conference team members were Kevin Cellucci, Eric Bendall, Cal Bradley, Drew Chamernik, and Nathan Popov.

Boys Volleyball had a record of 19-18. All-Conference team members were David Synovic, Erik Stover, Will Haak, and Kaden Martin. 

Boys Track and Field All-Conference team members were Mason Crowley, Patrik Dortch, Thomas Mercure, Will Mercure, Jackson Summy, Jordan Phelan, Quin Maloney, Micah Lind, Payton Whitehead, Blake Salbilla, Colin Shea, and Paul Migas. They were the Belvidere sectional champions and had 7 state qualifiers. The following boys earned all-state honors: Payton Whitehead and Paul Migas. Paul Migas became the 2A pole vault state champion for the 2nd straight year!