Dr. Sandra Keim-Bounds


Superintendent of Lake Villa Community Consolidated School District 41

Began Superintendent Position on July 1, 2023

Lake Villa District 41’s Deputy Superintendent

Lake Villa District 41’s Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning

Principal at William L. Thompson School

Assistant Principal at William L. Thompson School

General Education Teacher at William L. Thompson School

Special Education Teacher at B. J. Hooper School

What are you most excited about for leading District 41?
I am truly vested in Lake Villa Community Consolidated District 41. In fact, for the past 25 years, I have been a part of the Lake Villa Community Consolidated School District 41. As a member of the school community for over two decades, the students, their families, and the staff are, what I consider, an extension of my family. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to serve each of them.

In preparation for my transition into the superintendent role, I have engaged a variety of stakeholders in our efforts to ELEVATE District 41.

  • Lake Villa District 41 is a ‘Leader in Me’ school district, where students and staff practice Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The Leader in Me Lighthouse teams are preparing for movement towards Lighthouse status. 
  • The District Math Curriculum Committee will pilot two math resources this fall. We are excited to evaluate the engaging, hands-on, and higher-level learning that students will experience through these pilots. 
  • Our Kindergarten through 2nd Grade English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum was re-aligned to include explicit, systematic phonemic awareness and phonics instruction by incorporating two curricular resources: Heggerty and UFLI.
  • And, we will be refining our Professional Learning Community Practices to ensure that we are functioning at the highest level for the betterment of our students. 

What are your goals for District 41?
I am eager to ELEVATE District 41 in 2023 and beyond! It is our mission to achieve excellence by empowering and inspiring students to learn, lead, and serve. To achieve that end, this fall stakeholders are invited to share their voice in creating a Lake Villa District 41 Portrait of a Graduate. Our Portrait of a Graduate will represent our vision for the skills and character traits students need to succeed in college, career, and life.

How will your background as an educator at the District help you in your new role as superintendent?
Serving in a variety of roles within Lake Villa District 41 has given me the benefit of multiple perspectives. I have the vantage point of being a general education teacher, special education teacher, and teacher assistant during my early years as well as the perspective of an assistant principal, principal, and assistant superintendent. It is my hope that having this multi-lens will serve the Lake Villa District 41 students and the community as a whole.

What are some of your favorite memories at District 41?
One of my favorite memories is one that took place this past spring. District 41 held our first Leader in Me Leadership Day within each of our school buildings. Leadership Days are an opportunity for our students to practice their leadership skills with community leaders (e.g. mayor, police chief, board members, and neighboring school districts). Students presented their leadership strategies and demonstrated how they take ownership of their own learning and school environment. We thank our community members for participating in this great event and the opportunity for us to celebrate our amazing students with you!

I have also been a part of great events that have happened over the past twenty-five years, including the opening of Thompson and Martin Schools, creating full-day kindergarten programs, and bringing our sixth-grade students back to the middle school. 

Favorite memory about the community
Our Leadership Teams have started a new tradition of walking in the annual Village of Lake Villa St. Patrick’s Parade. We look forward to continuing on with this annual event. 

Educationally, I received a Doctorate from National Louis University. My doctoral dissertation focused on data-driven decision-making’s impact on student achievement and staff collegiality. I hold a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Northeastern Illinois University. I received my Bachelor’s Degree from Purdue University with a dual General and Special Education certificate. 

Favorite food
My favorite food is chips and guacamole! 

Favorite movie
My favorite movie is JAWS!

Favorite Quote/inspirational message
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” — Benjamin Franklin

Greatest lesson you’ve learned

The greatest lesson that I have learned along the way is to stay humble and kind.

Favorite free-time activity
When I have free time, I like to work out and spend time outdoors with my family and our dogs.

I also like to travel.

Favorite sports teams
I enjoy watching Purdue basketball. 

It might surprise you to know…
I love all things water — swimming, boating, and going to the beach.