Welcome to the Winter Wonderland of Antioch: Snow Safety and Village Services


As we dive into the Winter issue of Connections, it’s a reminder that the season’s first significant snowfall is just around the corner. When winter blankets the village’s streets with snow, the Antioch Public Works Department springs into action to ensure safety and convenience for motorists. Snow removal teams work to tackle seven vital routes, spanning 120 lane miles, including 103 cul-de-sacs. 

During snowfall, the Antioch Public Works Department prioritizes the safety of the community by first focusing on emergency and school routes. The snow team strives to clear all streets as swiftly as possible, adapting to the snowfall’s intensity and timing. 

Parking is prohibited on any Village street with an inch (1”) or more of snow until snow removal operations are complete. In the spirit of community, property owners are urged to keep sidewalks clear for pedestrians. According to the Village code, sidewalks should be cleared to a width of no less than seventy-two (72”) inches or the sidewalk’s full width. This should be done within 24 hours after a snow event depositing at least two (2”) inches of snow. Remember to assist in maintaining the safety of your neighborhood by digging out your mailbox and keeping fire hydrants on your property free from snow.

We understand that accidents can happen, and in the unfortunate event of a mailbox taking a direct hit from a Village snowplow truck, homeowners can be reimbursed up to seventy-five ($75.00) dollars if it cannot be reasonably replaced or repaired by the Public Works Department. However, please note that damage resulting from the force of snow will not be covered. To help prevent snow from being plowed back into your driveway, consider moving the snow to the right side of your driveway when facing the street in the direction of traffic flow. Stay safe and enjoy the winter wonderland of Antioch!

If you reside within the Village limits and experience a situation with your mailbox or other roadway concern, contact the Village Hall at 847-395-1000 or the Public Works Department at 847-395-1000 x 425.