Accelerated Placement Act Automatically Enrolls


Automatic Enrollment: CHSD117

According to the new Accelerated Placement Act, all Illinois public school districts are required to automatically enroll students who meet/exceed in English Language Arts, Math, or Science on a state assessment into the next most rigorous level of coursework, which may include Honors or Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Accelerated placement applies to required courses in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies Departments for students in grades 9-12. The plan does not prohibit students who do not meet or exceed standards on the state’s required assessments from enrolling in advanced level courses. 

As an example, a current freshman (grade 9) who is in English I who meets or exceeds state standards on the PSAT 8/9 in Reading will automatically be enrolled in English 2 Honors as a sophomore (grade 10). Automatic enrollment will begin in the course selection process this year for courses chosen for the 2024-2025 school year. 

The most recent state or local nationally-normed assessment will be used to determine whether a student meets or exceeds state standards. For current CHSD 117 students, this may mean the most recent PSAT/SAT test, and for incoming freshmen, NWEA/MAP test scores may be used. 

Grade Level Assessment ELA Benchmark Math Benchmark 

Class of 2027 (Gr 9) NWEA (8th Grade) 226-260 234-270

Class of 2026 (Gr 10) PSAT 8/9 (9th Grade) 410-720 450-720

Class of 2025 (Gr 11) PSAT/NMSQT (11th Grade) 460-760 510-760

As partners in the course selection process, parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss course options as outlined in the CHSD 117 Curriculum Guide. Parents/guardians are notified of the courses their student has registered for, including those in which their student was automatically enrolled. A parent/guardian whose student was automatically accelerated into a course may decline that placement. More information about this process will be communicated by the schools.