Speaquoits Lead the Way


The Speaquoits (ACHS Speech Team) were able to compete at the NSDA and NCFL National Virtual Tournaments. In order for each team/student to qualify, they had to compete in several tournaments. This year the Speaquoits had the most students qualify to compete at the National Tournaments including; seniors Meghan Georgia in Extemp, Eli Ruano in Humorous Interp, and Molly Adams in Oral Interp/Prose. Also competing was junior Keno Barba and freshman Riley Hughes in Duo Interp. 

The Duo Team of Keno Barba and Riley Hughes had a strong showing at the NSDA National tournament and advanced to the Quarter Finals at the NCFL National tournament placing them in the top 24 in the nation. Congratulations to the Speaquoits and Keno and Riley for representing ACHS and District 117.