Oakland Students Host Special Guests


Oakland has so much to be thankful for in this season! Our classrooms are full of stellar students that are learning and growing each day! We want to highlight just a few of the amazing things that have been happening so far this year. Students have been broadening their learning horizons with some special guests! Some of our 2nd graders dove into learning about nutrition with help from our head cook. They learned about food groups, nutritional values, and making sure to have a good color variety in their foods! Students are also learning to work as a team and be collaborative in their learning. 3rd graders learned more about metamorphosis with our very own beekeeper, Mrs. Miller! Kindergarten and 1st grade students also learned more about fire safety with our Lake Villa Fire Department. 

We are also thankful for staff and students that have a heart for others! Ms. Campbell’s 5th graders organized their annual Socktober giving event! They collected socks, mittens, hats, and toiletries that were donated to Open Arms Mission and the Antioch Traveling Closet. 

Our Oakland Boosters continue to provide much support and a side of fun to our students and staff. They provided our school with an excellent assembly by BMX champion Matt Wilhelm. Our students learned the importance of perseverance when things get hard, kindness in the face of adversity, and having a dream and following it! They bring many smiles to our staff with monthly appreciation events that help our staff feel the love!

Our staff is a great daily reminder for us every day of all that we are grateful for! We team up regularly for Eagle Olympics with get to know you events and even have some friendly competition with themed literacy lanterns, raffles, and scavenger hunts. Oakland is definitely a great place to be!