6th Grade Comes to Palombi


At the start of the 2021 – 2022 school year, Palombi Middle School will house Lake Villa School District 41’s sixth graders for the first time in twenty years. There is a palpable excitement with our staff and students alike. The district has worked on the transition plan since the Lake Villa School District 41 Board of Education voted to bring sixth grade students back to the middle school building.

A master schedule with innovative music, art, STEM, and fitness opportunities has been created with the middle school student in mind. They focus on sparking the interest in our sixth graders as well as our seventh and eight graders. The departmentalized middle school model was shared with parents at the Curriculum Advisory Council on November 16th, as well as options for the location of the new grade level, how Palombi integrates the Leader in Me into the school, athletic opportunities, and so much more. Along with the curriculum additions, this summer Palombi is renovating the band and art rooms, as well as several bathrooms.