Oakland Celebrations Big & Small


As we begin to move into the second half of our school year, it is so important to recognize what we are able to celebrate, both big and small. At Oakland, we have had much to celebrate so far this year. We have seen our students and staff grow, nurture one another, and continue to encourage one another in our day-to-day interactions. We implore you to look for those celebrations, the bright spots that bring a smile and the encouragement to continue forward. No matter how small or routine the moment, look for the brightness in it.

One of our kindergarten friends was so proud to share that she was finally able to open her milk at lunch on her own. What may seem like a small thing was hard earned in not giving up and continuing to try. The pride and joy she felt was celebrated in the lunchroom!

We celebrate an amazing group of Oakland families that give their time, effort, and energy towards doing some wonderful things for our school community! Our Oakland Boosters spent a lot of time planning and with the help of many volunteers, were able to put on a wonderful Fall Fest! We had many families attend and enjoy time outside, together. Our Boosters also show the love to our awesome Oakland staff with monthly fun treats! They have embraced our theme of “Rockin’ Through the School Year” to bring a pick-me-up into each month.

Oakland staff has worked so hard each day to bring a positive atmosphere into our building. Not only are they continuing to build and foster relationships with our students, but also with their colleagues. Recently, our fourth and fifth grade teams wanted to bring a little extra joy into the halls of Oakland. With the help of their students in creating and designing, along with some help from colleagues to assemble and hang everything; we were able to provide a fun experience for our whole school in the hallway for a special day. The vibe in the school was electric! Students were so excited to see something so special that was made for them or that they had a hand in bringing smiles to others. What a celebration to come together in a fun and unique way.

Staff have also been regularly teaming with others in the building to forge the bonds that help us to best service all of our students. Many hands make light work – and we are getting to know one another to better understand how we each contribute to the work we do. Team Building is a big celebration for us as we continue to lift one another up.

There is still much to celebrate in the remainder of this year! We are so excited for what is ahead. We invite you to look for ways that you can celebrate each day.