Adaptable, Flexible & Willing


What a change we have experienced in the world of education. Never before have we closed schools. We went from the anticipation of Spring Break to learning about social distancing to e-learning. Through all of this, the best traits in our community, faculty and students have come out. We have all taken responsibility for continuing the education we provide. We have done so with respect to everyone’s concerns and challenges. We are so proud of the work done and the engagement of our students. The adaptability, flexibility and willingness to take a risk and try something new is impressive and mind-blowing. We have engaged in a fundraiser for Open Arms, held virtual meetings and gatherings, handed out lunches to anyone with a need, and celebrated our students and faculty as best we can. I realize this is a very challenging time, but it has brought out the best in all of us!

Eric Hamilton
Antioch Community High School