Preparing for the 2023-2024 School Year


District 41 staff participated in professional development opportunities this past summer focusing on the Science of Reading, Mathematics Progressions, Engagement Strategies, and a revised K-2nd Grade English Language Arts Scope and Sequence integrating explicit and systematic instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics. Other offerings included English Learners Strategies, Progress Monitoring, UFLI, CPI, and Information Text Strategies training sessions.

District 41 utilized the remainder of referendum bonds to supplement various summer 2023 facility improvements. To highlight noticeable changes, Hooper and Palombi School now have new flooring in common hallway areas, Hooper has fencing around the detention pond, Palombi staff parking lot and entry has been repaved, Thompson Parent Pick-Up/Drop-Off has been repaved, and the Martin School Library has new carpet and a fresh coat of paint. Less noticeable projects include fire protection system improvements at Thompson and the water main replacement at Hooper.