Antioch Aqua Center
Open Memorial Day Weekend to Labor DayLast weekday open will be determined by staff availability.
General Admission HoursMon.-Sat. - 12:00-7:00pmSun. - 12:00-6:30pmHolidays - 12:00-5:00pm
Special Hours...
Village Board Passed Ordinance to Allow Golf Carts on Roadways
This past December, the Antioch Village Board passed an ordinance (22-12-60), which will allow village residents to use golf carts on some village roadways....
What is a Sequoit?
For the past several years, I have researched, investigated, asked questions, checked online resources, and observed happenings to discover the true meaning of the...
Flying into the Storm
I’ve always loved the LCHS Eagle mascot. It symbolizes strength, courage, and wisdom - many things we desire for our graduates. Interestingly, I recently...
D34’s Graduating Class of 2020
Nehemiah Acosta
Omar Albiter
Mitchell Alcock
Jackson Allen
Brooklyn Anaya
Aaliyah Anderson
Savannah Anderson
Tudor Anghel
Michael Annunzio
Braden Bailey
Ivan Bala
Hannah Barczak
Helena Barhamand
Kaelyn Barnett
Madelynn Barrett
Evalynne Bautista
Owen Beatty
Riley Beerbower
Eric Bendall
Elias Bentley
Grace Bergum
Tanner Beronja
Braden Bjork
Congrats to the 2020 Graduating Class
Logan James Abanero
Amir Abdelhadi
Amber Mikayla Aderholt
Madison Elizabeth Allen
Ashley Jade Alm
Daniel Connor Altmeyer
Chance Aaron Andell
Kaylin Amber Anderson
Mackenzie Claire Anderson
Marissa Ann Applegate
Ethan Patrick Aschermann
Allisyn Lynn Baker
Wildly Important Goals (WIGS) Ensure Student Success
Goal setting is a powerful behavior that yields results. As part of a Stephen Covey Seven Habits Leader in Me school district, we see...
One Team…All In!
The D114 8th grade class of 2020 is truly an amazing group! We are so proud of their accomplishments and have loved learning with...
New Administrator Spotlight
Rebecca AdamsPrincipalOakland Elementary School
Rebecca Adams is joining the Antioch District 34 Team as the Principal at Oakland Elementary School. This is Mrs. Adams’ 18th...
STEM in the Classroom
The 5th Grade Technology class explored the history of technology development. As a culminating project to apply what they learned, students experimented with various...