Celebration Our College Board Recognized Students



This year we have again been blessed with fantastic students at Community High School District 117. Our students are compassionate, hard-working, and enthusiastic and we are proud of all of our students. We have had a number of students over the years receive special recognition for their academic achievements by the College Board and this year we have a record number of students. CSHD117 would like to honor the following students for being recognized by the College Board:

Lakes Community High School

Angelina Roman-Alcocer
National Hispanic Recognition Award

Gabrielle King
National African American Recognition Award

Ramon Perez
National Hispanic Recognition Award

Joseph Jorgenson
National Merit Commended

Elizabeth Klann
National Merit Semifinalist

Hunter Savell
National Merit Commended

Aarya Patel
National Merit Semifinalist

William Zeigler
National Merit Commended

Antioch Community High School

Jasmine Ametovski
National Merit Commended 

Nathan Knoll
National Merit Commended  

Jacob Slabosz
National Merit Semifinalist

Alexander Ware
National Merit Semifinalist

Arianna Guerra
National Hispanic Recognition Award