Learning & Progress


We hope this edition of Connections finds you enjoying summer and everything that comes with this season. Summer is often an opportunity to play, vacation, recharge, experiment with a new hobby, enjoy the water that surrounds us, or practice that elusive perfect golf swing. At the same time, it presents us in education with many, many opportunities to grow, develop, improve, teach, learn, lead, and serve. 

As you read this article, students’ needs are being met through our summer programming, our staff is hard at work on their craft, our team is offering tons of TLC to our buildings, and our eyes are set on the 22-23 school year. In District 34, the learning and progress never stop. Summer may have a different vibe and sometimes a different pace for us, but how we use these weeks always connects to our goal of constantly improving and striving to be the best with, for, and on behalf of our students and community. 

The following few pages will serve as a small glimpse into all that goes into and on during the summer in District 34. Our commitment to our students ensures that while we may pause at times, our work never stops. 

Have a wonderful, safe, and memorable summer!

Yours in Education,
Dr. Bradford Hubbard