Oakland Is Busy Blooming into Spring


With all of the new growth that comes in the Spring, Oakland is no exception! Our students have been busy blooming in their learning and community service. 

Oakland instrumental musicians have been learning and growing in their skills and abilities throughout the year. Our orchestra and band musicians shared their progress in a number of winter concerts recently. We are so proud of their growth so far and can’t wait to hear them for our spring concerts also!

Our Oakland students, staff, and families had opportunities for serving our community in conjunction with a couple of student council drives. Our Student Council did a drive to support the Reach Animal Shelter and another to support Antioch’s Open Arms Missions! Our Oakland family provided 652 items for the animal shelter and 737 pounds of food for Open Arms Mission! Our commitment to our community and the place in our hearts for service is in full bloom!

Our students’ learning is also blooming as they have grown throughout the year! They have been digging in as teacher’s plant the seeds of knowledge. We celebrated 4th and 5th grade students participating in our Spelling Bee and recognized our first and second place spellers! Second graders have been focusing on comprehension with informational text features and fifth grade is digging into writing and different genres. Kindergarten students have been learning about decomposing numbers in math and segmenting within reading while fourth graders have been diving into realistic fiction elements and informational text features. First graders have been growing their knowledge with elements of poetry and using a variety of strategies to solve math problems. Finally, third graders have been growing their knowledge in science with exploring balancing forces. 

Oakland is definitely in bloom with all of our learning in both our heads and our hearts!