Spring Brings New Life


As the calendar turned to 2022 back in January and we are now witness to new life popping up around us this Spring, we have been talking a lot about what is new, what is blossoming, and what is emerging in District 34. Like a new year presents new opportunities and like Spring breathes new life into our surroundings, our schools are constantly growing minds, expanding offerings, and fostering new ideas, services, and opportunities with, for, and on behalf of our students. 

This year has brought a lot of new beginnings and growth. In this edition of Connections, District 34 aims to highlight just some of the new, innovative, inspiring, fun, and educational happenings. We are profoundly proud of our staff, grateful for the support of our Board, appreciative of the partnerships we have with our families and community, and always in awe of our students. In education, new can be challenging and difficult; but, this year in District 34, it has been embraced, exciting, rewarding, and impactful. 

We are so thankful for the support we receive and the relationships we have fostered. As a key member of our learning community, thank you for assisting us in the navigation of what affords us opportunities to continuously improve, serve, and meet the needs of our students. 

Yours in Education,

Dr. Bradford Hubbard