Antioch District 34 is happy to bring back Summer Learning 2020 to W.C. Petty School from June 15-July 16, 2020. This year’s theme will be Summer Olympics, which will allow staff to plan activities and lessons around the 2020 Summer Olympics Games. Spirit Days are planned during the weeks of Summer Learning.
Summer School is open to all families. Families will have an opportunity to register their student(s) for Math, Literacy, Sports and Games, and Reader’s Theater. Antioch District 34 will once again seek financial assistance from local organizations and community groups to provide scholarships to families that meet specific criteria.
Extended School Year (ESY) is offered to qualifying D34 students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). The student’s school year IEP team qualify students to the ESY program during individual annual review meetings. ESY staff work on specific goal areas for each student. Students are eligible to attend for math and/or literacy instruction as well as Early Childhood Services. Some of our students in ESY also receive related services, such as Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Counseling Services. Students that were recommended and qualify for the ESY program are able to attend without any cost to the family.
August 3-6, 2020 will bring Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS) Transition Camp for incoming 6th graders along with Band Camp and Orchestra Camp from August 3-7, 2020. Transition Camp is open to all Antioch Upper Grade School incoming 6th graders. The goal of the four day camp is for students to familiarize themselves with AUGS, walk their 2020/2021 school schedule and practice their locker combination. Students also work on organizational strategies and team building. During the camp, students will work with AUGS teachers that they will have as instructors throughout their career at AUGS.
Registration for Summer Learning will begin after Spring Break on the district webpage.