New Year, New Principal


With the new school year slated to begin on August 23, 2023, for students at Grass Lake, there are some big changes, but also some familiar faces, in leadership roles when students return in the Fall. Grass Lake School is happy to announce that effective July 1, 2023, Ryan Wollberg will be the new principal at Grass Lake. Ryan takes over for Mrs. Donna Plath who was the previous principal who will now be the Director of Special Education at Grass Lake. Although Mrs. Plath has done a remarkable job in her role as principal, this move will allow the school to better serve the Grass Lake student body.

Professionally speaking, Ryan taught middle school social studies at Woodland Middle School for several years and then moved into school leadership at nearby Emmons School in 2013 as Assistant Principal. He returned to Woodland in 2017 as the Principal of Elementary West. In 2020, he was tasked with an opportunity to expand his leadership role by becoming the Principal for both Elementary West and Elementary East for the past 3 years while also consolidating the schools into one building. Ryan stated, “Working in Elementary schools has given me such joy but when the opportunity to once again work at a Pre K-8 grade school and learn and grow under Dr. Newby’s leadership, I jumped on the opportunity to join this amazing staff!”

Ryan stated that he will be focused on the importance of building strong relationships with the school community. Ryan said “Having previous experience in the Antioch area, I know and understand how important it is to learn about the Grass Lake community and learn about the school district’s rich history. I also look forward to the opportunity to see where we can take Grass Lake in the coming years and ensure we are not only meeting our communities’ expectations but exceeding them at every opportunity we can.” Ryan continued, “It is only through a strong community and school relationship that we can continue to grow and support our students as we prepare them to be the future leaders in our community.”