Spreading Kindness at Oakland


Oakland Eagles have started 2022 with a focus on kindness to others and goal setting. Throughout the halls, you will find student created posters on Kindness – both about things that students can do for others and also recognizing kind acts that have been done for them. Our focus on Kindness was further strengthened by our Student Council sponsoring the Great Kindness Challenge the week of January 24 – 28. Students (and staff!) were challenged with a checklist of ideas for how they could show kindness to others. Our Oakland families were also invited to create family kindness challenges to help spread kindness and love throughout the community. 

Additionally, our Eagles started the new year with setting goals for themselves or choosing a focus word to work towards in the 2022 year. These goals were posted in the hallways for all to share in. Some included reflections on the past year and others set academic and personal goals for themselves in the coming year. Our Eagles are forward thinking and always looking to grow. 

In this new year, we are focused on growth for ourselves and what we can bring to others!