Author Jim May Ignites Creativity


Storytelling is the interactive art of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story while encouraging the listener’s imagination. That’s exactly what storyteller Jim May did when he visited Grass Lake School in Antioch. Jim, an Emmy award-winning storyteller, teacher, and author, spent the day at Grass Lake School sharing his stories through interaction and creative use of words for grades PreK-8th. Each group he met experienced the joy of hearing stories, learning what good stories sound like as well as having their own creativity ignited and encouraged to share their story. Mr. May shared his gift with the kids through surprise, twisted story lines, and laughter. Jim will be returning to the school to work in classrooms with teachers and students to employ the craft of storytelling in their oral presentations as well as trying out some storytelling of their own. On the heels of being isolated, this is an incredible opportunity we are affording the children to reawaken their tales and imagination in a way that supports being engaged, listening, creative thinking, story development, and communication. A true win for all at Grass Lake School!