Behind the Scenes


When we think about public education, we often think of the teachers and students, the learning and curriculum, and the PTO organizations. While all those components are extremely important, there are many more people who work behind the scenes to get the school ready. For some school personnel, the summer months are their busiest time of year! 

One of the hardest working groups in the summertime are the custodial staff. They are the unsung heroes behind any school building. One of their main tasks is to remove all the furniture from each classroom and hallway, scrub the floor, and apply a new coat of wax. The staff also shampoos all the carpets, paints as needed, and makes repairs to any furniture or cabinets in each room. 

This summer, Emmons has an excellent crew who has brought the building back to its pre-pandemic state. They take their jobs very seriously and understand the importance of their role in providing a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment to those that come to our school. They feel that providing a positive first impression of the building is the most important part of their job.